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0845 070 1324
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Prestige Car Finance FAQs

Here are the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions. If you have any queries that are not answered on this page, please don't hesitate to contact us. You can also speak directly to one of our consultants on 0845 070 1324.

  • Q:What are the advantages of using Prestige Car Finance?

    A:Since dealerships and car showrooms have high overheads they cannot offer the most competitive rates. As a niche, finance only company PCF can find the best finance packages from a wider range of sources, increasing the chances of you finding the best possible deal.

  • Q:What is the waiting time for financial approval?

    A: In most cases it will take no longer than two to three hours, but it has been done in as little as thirty minutes!

  • Q: Is the process complicated?

    A: Not at all. The first step is to get a quotation from us. When you are happy with the figures:

    1. We complete a financial proposal with your basic details (this takes 2-3 minutes)

    2. This is passed to underwriting, who make the final decision on accepting the proposal

    3. The paperwork is prepared for you to sign

    4. Once you have signed, and the dealership has supplied the invoice, the balance will be paid.

    5. You can then collect your new vehicle

  • Q: How long will it take to get my new car?

    A: It is sometimes possible to complete the process from quotation to balance paid in as little as three days. However, ideally we ask that you allow five days to be on the safe side.

  • Q: Are there any limitations on where I can buy my car?

    A: You can make your purchase at any dealership with a current CCL (Credit Consumer License). This is our only stipulation the choice after that is yours.